Pay-It-Forward with our unique “chip” to thank a first responder for their commitment and dedication, all while supporting our cause. * You can use the Chip in a variety of ways that give back to you and them. Get yours today and scan the imprinted barcode to participate. Purchase many, and hand them to a first responder when you see them out.
Or, purchase in person by visiting Rocky River Coffee Co. in Harrisburg NC
Calling all businesses and corporations
Donate your services, gift cards or products for us to use as a Pay-it-forward to first responders. Contact us today to get on the list of Partners.
*Disclaimer - Do not approach First Responders while they are actively engaging in their duties to the public, this could be dangerous to you, the public and the first responder you are trying to thank. This "Chip" should not be used to persuade a first responder to change his or her discretion outside the performance of their sworn duties.